A Retail Night Before Christmas - Medallion Dev

A Retail Night Before Christmas

POSTED BY: Bradley Daves on 12/23/14 Holiday Retail

‘Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the store

Not a creature was stirring;

The sales were no more.


The closed sign was hung

On the door at the front.

The message it signaled:

The end of the hunt.


The sales folk were nestled

All snug in their beds.

While visions of coupon use

Stomped through their heads.


The shop keep in nightshirt,

(The one with the flap)

Had just settled down

For a two-hour nap.


When out on the sales floor

There arose such a clatter.

He sprang from his cot

To see what was the matter.


Over the counter

He leaped like a flash.

Got to the register

And checked on the cash.


When, what to his still bleary

Eyes should appear

But a frazzled young shopper,

Her eyes full of tears.


With her coat all askew,

And a voice so not calm

He knew in a moment

That this was a late mom.


She stumbled and fumbled;

Was so ill at ease

While she whipped out her list

And started her pleas.


Now Barbie! Now LEGOs!

Now NERF Balls and Xbox!

On Play-Doh! On Hot Wheels!

(What they don’t want

Are those socks.)


To the top of the endcap,

She bounced like a ball.

“I have cash,” she said. “Cash,” she said

“Cash for it all!”


She wiped at her eyes

With a flick of her sleeve.

So he gave her the mark-downs,

From Black Friday eve.


She spoke no more words,

And got right to her work.

She filled up her cart

Then turned with a jerk.


She gave him a smile

And all of her scratch.

She then slipped out the door

Without touching the latch.


He exclaimed as she fled

(Though he was very tired),

“You need to come back;

There’s assembly required!”

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