Celebrated Corrugated - Medallion Dev
Strategy, Creativity, Signage, Display

Celebrated Corrugated

POSTED BY: Bradley Daves on 11/17/15 Retail signage and display

Meet Albert Jones, Oliver Long, G. Smyth and Robert Gair. Many refer to these outstanding visionaries as the Four Horseman of the A-box-alypse.

Fine. No one thinks that but me. So what should we call these men who, in the late 1800s, separately but collectively invented corrugated, and in doing such, changed the very course of signage retail marketing?

It’s a staple of the industry; a go-to material for signage and displays for decades. In our webinar, Signs of Success, we just put it out there, boldly stating “you can make anything out of corrugated.” (I’m typing this on my corrugated MacBook.)

So here’s an elegy to that bendy, brown fiberboard retail marketers designing their signage can’t live without.


Smooth to touch and so forgiving.

Inspiration ever-giving.

What can go from flat to living?

Activated corrugated.


“It’s too simple.” That’s deception.

Quite a common misperception.

The artist’s friend from its inception.

Re-educated corrugated.


Flat and brown and somewhat boring?

Not to those with ideas roaring.

See imaginations soaring.

Decorated corrugated.


Keen material invention.

With a much deserved ascension.

Shoppers give it great attention.

Stimulated corrugated.


Bend and fold to any shape.

A strong reality escape.

Make those shoppers grin and gape.

Fabricated corrugated.


Build it tall and grand in scale.

Blaze a huge creative trail.

Let ‘em know that it’s a SALE

Exaggerated corrugated.


Seed a thought and make it grow.

See a world and make it so.

Those shoppers really need a show.

Animated corrugated.


Redefine, invent, transform.

Go beyond the pale and norm.

It can take on any form.

Manipulated corrugated.


Don’t forget financial clout.

Fold it down and ship it out.

Save some bucks, without a doubt.

Compensated corrugated.


Opportunities untold

Encourage thinking wise and bold.

Just hear those magic words: “I’m sold!”

Articulated corrugated.

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