Retail Marketing Ideas Blog by Medallion Retail

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grocery trends

Grocery Trends That Are Stimulating In-Store Sales

Food and beverage grocery trends are very much a hot topic, even becoming a default cocktail party, nice-to-meet-you conversation starter. It’s interesting then, with all this focus, physical grocery store expansion slowed in 2017. But that doesn’t mean it was

shopper happiness

In-Store Shopper Happiness. Paying Attention Yields Big Results.

How can you tell when a customer is happy? We mean really happy. A smile while she walks out the door? Sales? Repeat sales? The tone of social media posts? How you measure shopper happiness, and the agility with which you

Gen Z

The New Millennial: Why Pop-Ups Are Great for Gen Z

“Millennials at Retail” is one of the hottest trends in marketing research today. But what many people forget is that millennials aren’t the youngest generation anymore. Gen Z (ages 6–21) is coming of age before our eyes, with spending power

Best Buy

A Case Study in Evolving: How Best Buy Survived to Thrive

Electronics stores are dead. Or so we thought. Best Buy, against all odds, has fought its way back to become once again a thriving electronics chain.  Since they had a leadership switch in 2012, Best Buy’s shares have rocketed from


Bringing Your Ecommerce Brand to Life: Lessons from the First Brandless Pop-Up Store

It all started with an Instagram post. Last week, as I was scrolling through the app, I came across this post from @instagramforbusiness Instagram’s official account that’s aimed at brands, agencies, and SMBs). It was about a pop-up store in

beauty vloggers

Bringing the Power of the Beauty Vloggers In-Store

Vlogging, or video blogging, is revolutionizing the beauty market. Social media influencers with YouTube channels and Instagram feeds are raking in funds – often enough to subsidize an entire career – to make videos promoting brands. Beauty vloggers dedicate hours

flexible signage and display

Empowerment at Floor Level – Flexible Signage and Display

Nimble. Flexible. Responsive. These are the buzzwords of today’s brand and retailer. These characteristics drive brand websites, social media pages, inventory management, and even employee teams. But are you optimizing the nimbleness and responsiveness of the flexible signage and display

mall pop-ups

Reinventing the Mall with Pop-Ups

Recognizing that their survival depends on evolution, malls are taking a new look at how to engage shoppers. The result?  Mall pop-ups are back. In the past, mall operators would rarely consider allowing a pop-up inside their hallowed halls, instead

pet store experience

Fetching New Opportunities: Improving the Pet Store Experience

Fido, Buddy, Mr. Cat, Crackers the bird. Americans adore their pets. Millennials, owning 35% of all pets, especially consider themselves more than just pet owners. They’re pet parents,lovingly referring to Spot as their precious child and demanding nothing short of perfection


Becoming One with the Community – A Think Piece in Going Local

When it comes to pop-ups, you have to be strategic. We’ve already talked about where to pop-up (hint, it’s where the people are). Now let’s talk about how. You can’t just open up shop in a new town without deep

wellness in-store

How Healthy Is Your Promotion of Wellness In-store?

Time was you only went to the drugstore when you felt under the weather or needed a prescription refilled. Today’s drug stores have evolved and expanded to extensively cover almost every part of our lives: medications, health and beauty offerings,


The Rise of the Microbrands

Across the country, a dichotomy is taking place on store shelves: well-known (and well-funded) products are now elbow to elbow with small, emerging microbrands. The up-and-comers aren’t necessarily spin-offs, developed in the R&D facility of some large conglomerate. These new

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