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2018 retail trends

A Look Back: Our Favorite 2018 Retail Trends

2018 is over…finally! It was a long year – one that started with the Winter Olympics (yes, we had the Olympics this year) and high schoolers eating Tide Pods. In retail news, we said goodbye to Toys”R”Us, hello to oat

retail holiday creep

Retail Holiday Creep: Pros and Cons of (Too) Early Retailer and Retail Brand Displays

Today is the spookiest day of the year – and it’s also one of retail’s sweetest and tastiest. After the kids crash from sugar overload, the last cobweb is swept up and the witch’s hat is hung up until next

retail experiences

Retail Showrooms: Taking Retail Experiences to New Heights

Guide shops. Neighborhood hubs. Retail showrooms. Call them what you will, these show-and-tell centers are all leading shoppers to the same destination: an interactive and experiential in-store visit. The impact of retail showrooms is being felt across the retail spectrum.

beauty vloggers

Bringing the Power of the Beauty Vloggers In-Store

Vlogging, or video blogging, is revolutionizing the beauty market. Social media influencers with YouTube channels and Instagram feeds are raking in funds – often enough to subsidize an entire career – to make videos promoting brands. Beauty vloggers dedicate hours

flexible signage and display

Empowerment at Floor Level – Flexible Signage and Display

Nimble. Flexible. Responsive. These are the buzzwords of today’s brand and retailer. These characteristics drive brand websites, social media pages, inventory management, and even employee teams. But are you optimizing the nimbleness and responsiveness of the flexible signage and display

pet store experience

Fetching New Opportunities: Improving the Pet Store Experience

Fido, Buddy, Mr. Cat, Crackers the bird. Americans adore their pets. Millennials, owning 35% of all pets, especially consider themselves more than just pet owners. They’re pet parents,lovingly referring to Spot as their precious child and demanding nothing short of perfection

do it yourself projects

Inspiring Consumer Purchases with Emotion Driven DIY Projects

DIY projects are driven by emotion. People put their hearts and souls behind knitting the perfect sweater, installing a much-needed shelving unit or planting a sustainable garden. The results are objects to share, to gift and to experience with pride


Gearing Up for Seasonal Sports Rushes: How to Get Your Store Ready

Sports products are predictable in their selling season: footballs, soccer cleats and field hockey equipment in fall; basketballs, hockey sticks and ski gear in winter; baseball gloves, golf clubs and tennis racquets in spring.  Seasonal sports rushes are a fact


Personalizing the Retail Fashion Experience

Some purchases are generic: chewing gum, a phone charger, paper towels. Others are deeply personal. And it doesn’t get more personal than retail fashion. Inherently, your clothes and accessories are about who you want to be to the world. They broadcast your

Marijuana Dispensaries

Recreational Marijuana Dispensaries: A Modern Lesson in Retail

When legalized recreational marijuana burst onto the scene across eight states, a whole new category of retailer emerged too: recreational marijuana dispensaries. Long gone are the days of sketchy head shops with dark paneling, dim lighting and dodgy-looking shelves. In


Nine Questions to Ensure Effective Retail Store Merchandising

How many times have you heard a shopper exclaim, “Those Rococo-inspired chairs in the corner make me want to buy sweaters in every color you have!”? Never. Because it’s retail store merchandising, not retail store decorating. Interior decorating speaks to

retail design

Hot Retail Design Trends: Retail@StreetLevel

It’s a challenge to continuously produce fresh retail design to visually present your brand and your products to an already over-stimulated shopper. How do you grab her attention? “Wow” her? Draw her into your story? That takes something new. Lucky

big box retailers

Fourteen Ways To Shine as a Little Brand at Big Box Retailers

How does the little guy get his fair share of shelf space?

mobile in-store display

Mobile In-Store Display; Wheel-World Retail Success

Mobile in-store shelving creates new opportunities for retailers seeking to create meaningful Shopper Moments™. 

Specialty Food Marketing

Delectable Ideas from the Fancy Food Show

Current trends – and their implications – in specialty food marketing.

Emotional Marketing

Real Marketing and Fake News

What is the sophisticated formula fake newsmakers use to provoke and activate everyday people?


Retail at Street Level

Retail marketing and in-store design evolve every day. To keep pace, the Medallion Retail team – a group of curious creatives, retail strategists and experience designers – regularly hits the streets to discover what’s happening right now. Here’s what we

Retail Display

Great Moments in Mannequin History

Remember when the internet came to a standstill?

Retail Design

Building Better Ideas

Great advice and inspiration for retail marketers are everywhere. 


Retail Marketing Redefined: The Kiosk

Retail marketers need to rethink the very basics of retail.

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