Must-Reads – The Best Marketing Books of 2017

You’re spending a precious few minutes reading a marketing blog, so it feels safe to assume that you are 1) a marketer, 2) curious about the ever-changing world in which you work, and 3) someone who can read. So this list of what I consider the best marketing books of the year should be of interest to you.
Ranging in topics from creativity to consumer behavior to productivity, these books inspire me because of the perspectives they offer, the insights they provide and – most importantly – the insights they activate. I hope they inspire you as well.
2017’s Best Marketing Books
Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal
This is a guidebook to achieving peak performance by being exceptionally present. The authors share how to quiet those states of consciousness that are critical and overly cautious, allowing one to be more effective, happier and more productive.
If You’re in a Dogfight, Become a Cat
Leonard Sherman
The author, a Columbia Business School professor and consultant, analyzes the formidable growth of companies like JetBlue, Southwest Airlines, IKEA and Apple. He also shares practical advice on two of the most challenging issues facing business executives: why is it so hard to achieve long-term profitable growth, and what can companies do to break away from the pack?
Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth
Eddie Yoon
This is a deep dive into what makes a consumer obsessed about a product. The author makes the case that focusing on only your best customers (in sheer numbers, a minority) can have a profound impact on a brand’s overall success.
Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction
Derek Thompson
In his groundbreaking investigation, the Atlantic senior editor uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like, and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Shattering the sentimental myths of hit-making that dominate pop culture and business, Thompson shows quality is insufficient for success, nobody has “good taste” and some of the most popular products in history were one bad break away from utter failure.
Top of Mind: Use Content to Unleash Your Influence and Engage Those Who Matter To You
John Hall
Hall reveals how consumer needs and expectations have evolved, how to build a consistent brand and the proven methods for using digital content in a way that builds lasting trust.
The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter
David Sax
This entertaining book provides a reality check for marketers who focus too much on the Internet of Things. Author Sax makes the case that living in a digital culture helps us appreciate our relationship with the analogue objects that hold meaning in our lives.
The Spark and the Grind: Ignite the Power of Disciplined Creativity
Erik Wahl
The author reveals that creativity can become a core competency – provided you don’t let previous notions get in the way. The goal is to stop splitting the creative side from the doing side, thereby combining the abilities of sparking new ideas with grinding them out.
Hunch: Turn Your Everyday Insights Into The Next Big Thing
Bernadette Jiwa
What do the Dyson vacuum cleaner, Facebook and Lululemon yoga pants have in common? Every one of them was the result not of data-driven analytics or corporate brainstorming sessions, but a hunch – the intuitive understanding of a deep, unmet need, informed by insight and foresight. This book demonstrates how anyone can uncover the kind of insights that become breakthrough ideas.
Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing – Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth
Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
Traditionally, there are two primary ways to outdo your competitors: provide more value, or lower costs. But what if you could do both, by rethinking the market, or even better, by creating an entirely new one? The authors answer that question in this New York Times bestseller.
Eric Barker
Common wisdom tells us that we will be successful if we work hard. Be nice. Show up. The author examines the research of success and finds that it’s not quite that simple.
What did I miss? What do you consider the best marketing books of the year? Share in the comments.
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